English translation for "weight saving"
- 减小重量
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The idea is to create a highly mobile device , larger than a smart phone , for frequent travelers , students and others who would love the size and weight savings 具体想法是为经常旅行的人、学生及其他喜欢电脑体积小点、重量轻点的人创造一个比智能手机稍大的移动装备。 | | 2. | This means if you break a spoke it will be a pain to find a replacement , and that the weight saved by reducing the number of spokes is partially wiped out by having to use extra - heavy tank - like spokes to handle the tension 这就意味着如果你断了一根辐条,会很难找到一个替代品,而且为了承受高拉力而使用的超重辐条的重量也抵消了一部分因减少辐条数而省下的重量。 |
- Similar Words:
- "weight retainer" English translation, "weight ring" English translation, "weight rod" English translation, "weight rope" English translation, "weight said to be" English translation, "weight scale" English translation, "weight scale table" English translation, "weight scaling" English translation, "weight schedule" English translation, "weight score" English translation